Now go out and find the things that are on your list.

Feel it.
Close your eyes and concentrate on what it smells like.
If it's a car, sit behind the wheel, feel the engine running. Take in the new car smell.
Is it a new suit? Put it on and experience what it feels like.
Get photographs of the things you want; pictures of the things that fall into that really motivating range.
Collect these pictures and put them in a book or folder and make sure your NUMBER is with them.Put it where you can see it all the time.
Do you have a BURNING desire?
I would recommend putting the pictures on your refrigerator, maybe making a vision board in your house where you see it everyday; maybe a mirror in the bathroom; the visor of a vehicle so that you can see them first thing everyday. When you see the picture reflect on how it feels with all of your senses.
Remember, you can't hit a target you can't see.
First thing when you wake up, mid-day, and right before you go to sleep. The more you look at these pictures and reflect on it with all your senses; and reflect on this number the better.The more you think about them throughout the day the better.
This will start bringing these goals into your own physical reality. You will start to see them in public; start to recognize daily the things in real life that you want.
In The Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale said, "You become what you think about most of the time."
Now at least once a week, go dream building.
1) Go out and touch the things you want
- Put on the new coat
- Put on the new watch
- Sit in the car you want
- Go look at the house
- Go online and look at the vacation you want to take
- Try to get as close as you can to the things you want.
2) Touch them, feel them, see them, smell them and say to yourself out loud, "THIS IS MINE AND I'M GOING TO HAVE IT!"
You must have a specific dream, think about it throughout the day, 7 days a week and believe in your dream. The dream must be big enough and real enough to get you excited and get you motivated. This is the gas that will motivate you to do the work.REMEMBER; DON'T LET ANYONE STEAL YOUR DREAM!
As you continue to do this exercise you will begin to find ways, see ways that you can accomplish them. Ways to reach these goals are all around us but because we really don't believe it is possible to achieve them we can't even see how. By continuing to do this exercise day after day you will be motivated to find a way; Motivation will come to you. And if your desire is big enough, you will overcome the fears and you will reach your goals.
Now that we have completed the first of the 10 important tasks in starting your business lets move on to task number two, Make A Commitment
Now that we have completed the first of the 10 important tasks in starting your business lets move on to task number two, Make A Commitment