Decide to Go Pro..
There's only skill sets and mindset. There ain't no foo foo dust.
Right skills + right attitudes + right opportunity = Wealth creation.
Right skills + right attitudes + wrong opportunity = frustration
We have the right opportunity at the right time in history and if you get your attitude right + your skill sets right it's unlimited what you can accomplish. Skill sets come through repetition. It's simple guys don't complicate this
When you sponsor someone, it is your job, within the first week, to help them get through the first 5 steps of this training.
“I’m making a commitment to make you successful”
It is your responsibility as the sponsor to help that person…
- Invite people for their first few exposures
- Help them learn and know the importance of the 8 Steps to Financial Freedom
- Start dream building
- Start the training process by promoting the events, meetings, conference calls…
- Help them place their first few orders for products and how their 90 for Life back office works.
The more you promote the events and the more people in your group that attend will determine how fast, profitable and secure your business will grow.