What's Your Inspiration

Now that you have developed the Million Dollar Mindset to achieve success we will unlock the first of the four keys to success, Inspiration. To do that we will review some steps to ignite the burning desire inside you and begin to lay the foundation of developing some goals. 

5 Steps to Ignite that Burning Desire Inside You.

"Define your dream and have a burning desire for its achievement" Nothing starts in LIFE but first a DREAM!!

Let me ask you, what are some of your goals in life?
  • Be your own boss? 
  • Achieve financial freedom? 
  • Maybe you just wanted to make a few hundred extra dollars a month?
Whatever your dream is, big or small, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT!!


All my adult life I've heard that the most successful people write out their goals. I know, several times I have done just that myself but never saw any results from it. In fact many people, every year on Jan 1st do just that. They create a list of goals and within a couple months many couldn't even tell you where the list is anymore. I think the problem has been we really didn't know how to write out our goals and we didn't know what to do once we made a list. I'm going to see if I can shed some light on the subject and show how to use this process to actually ignite a burning desire in you; A desire that creates a motivation to actually accomplish your goals.

 NextNext we are going to discuss 5 steps to IGNITE that burning desire in you; to put into motion the machine needed to make your dreams come true.