The training program includes six audio CDs, each covering one of the six steps listed below in what is called "The Cycle of Duplication":
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The 1st step in the cycle is "Start Your Business." In this step you will learn the 10 important activities you need to complete to get your business started correctly.
- The 2nd step is "Invite People." In this step, you will be taught what to say to those you want to invite to learn about your business.
- The 3rd step is titled "Introduce the Business." In this step you will discover how to effectively introduce your business to others. You will also learn 10 of Todd's top tips on how to almost instantly connect with your prospects.
- The 4th step is "Determine Interest." In this step, you will find out how to determine people's interest in learning more about your business and what to do with those who are open to learning more.
- The 5th step is titled "Gain a Positive Decision" and, just like it sounds, in this step you will learn Todd's most effective method of gaining positive decisions.
- The 6th step titled "Get Your New Business Partners Started" will teach you how to get your new partners off to a successful start. You will also learn Todd's tips on how to effectively coach your new business partners.
As we continue the training you will refer back to the "Cycle of Duplication Training Program" often. I know you are as excited as I am about getting started. In order to proceed and not waste any time while you wait for your CD’s to come in the mail download a copy of the Cycle of Duplication Training Manual here.
Once you have downloaded the manual read through the preface then proceed to STEP 1 on the next page of this website.