Fear has been correctly identified with the acrostic False Evidence Appearing Real.
The truth is that if we think something is to be feared, that perception becomes the cruelest form of reality.
A second-grade boy was overheard saying, "It's easy to be brave when
you're not scared." By the same token, it's easy to talk about how to
overcome fear when you have little to be afraid of. Fear is certainly
real for most people and all of us face a fear of something – poverty,
divorce, rejection, death, failure, speaking in public, being laughed
at, etc.
How do we overcome fear? First we must learn to examine our fears.
Example: Giving a speech, which is the number one fear in our country,
according to Reader's Digest. (It's also a tremendous
confidence-builder.) If that's your fear, ask yourself a few questions.
"Why am I afraid to make a speech? Is it because I'm afraid of being
rejected? Then why do I think I'll be rejected?
Do I believe what I'm about to say?
Is my speech worth giving?
Am I proud of the comments I'm about to make?" As you ask yourself
these questions, the fear will begin to subside. It subsides because you
have explored your subconscious mind with your questions and flushed
out some of your fears.
My research indicates that only three people have died while making a
speech. Since twelve billion people have lived and only three of them
died making a speech, I'd say it's a fairly safe thing to do.
If you're a little nervous, consider this: You could lead a mule
into a crowded room and he would be so calm that he would almost go to
sleep standing up. A thoroughbred in the same situation would be as
nervous as a cat.
If you're a little nervous, just be grateful you're a thoroughbred –
not a mule. So face those inner feelings, stand up and speak up with
confidence. When you do, I'll see you at the top!
Zig Ziglar is a teacher and motivator. He offers a newsletter filled
with more of his inspiring stories as well as practical ideas to help
you in the areas of sales, marketing, customer service, and related
topics. You can visit him at www.zigziglar.com