The Importance of Being Coachable
As you get started, I want to encourage you to be coachable and to open your mind to a new way of doing business. One of the most valuable lessons I have learned in my life is that if you want to be successful, the smartest thing you can do is learn from those who are successful, then go out and apply what you have learned with excellence.
Over the years I have explored many different training and coaching programs in my quest to build my Network Marketing business. I have spent thousands of dollars on books, CD’s, DVD’s and on-line training programs. I have found the "Cycle of Duplication" system by Todd Smith to be comprehensive, easy to follow, and easy to duplicate throught my organization. Before we go any further you need to invest in your success and at only $19.99, I have found this system to be a great value.
I will suggest other resources as we go along but this one is not optional. If you want to work with me and truly build your Youngevity business then stop right now, order the "Cycle of Duplication" Training CD's and download the "Cycle of Duplication" training manual.