How many of you remember where you were on 911?
How many of you remember what you were doing last year on Jan 25th. Unless there was something significant that happened in your life on that date you can't remember what happened.
Emotion creates something in us that is going to stay with us. When you attend a big event like a convention or something like that one or two things from that event will connect with you. So the way we learn is through emotion and the next way is through repetition.
Here is another example of learning from repetition. If I said plop plop fizz fizz how many of you know what product that is?
If I say two all beef patties special sauce etc. what am I talking about?
If I say "Who shot?" ...
or "I shot" ...
or "I'd walk a mile for a ... camel" - if you remember that your old. That hasn't been on in 30 years.
How about "Where's the" ...
Understand that you will go to your grave with "Where's the beef" the rest of your life. If I went to you on your death bed and you were about to take your last breath and I shook you real hard and said "Where's the. . . " you would reply BEEF
If we can take that kind of stuff and get it in our mind through repetition then why can't we get in our mind . . . "I just wanted to get back with you and see if you had the opportunity to watch the video and see what you liked most about what you saw?"
Why can't we get in our mind, "Hello ___ this is _____ I need to see if you can do me a favor."
Concept 3 - Become Unconsciously Competent
The other thing that you have to understand is when you first get started you are unconsciously incompetent. You don't know what you're doing but you don't know that you don't know what you're doing. You're just excited and you're just running off at the mouth and you're just unconsciously incompetent. You don't have a clue that you don't know what you're doing but you're just out there doing it. And ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice.
So that's OK. Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice. So your unconsciously incompetent.
Then you get to a point, you wake up one morning and your consciously incompetent. You wake up one morning and you realize, "man I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I sponsored three people and I haven't heard from any of them since. It's like they don't even want to return my phone calls. Why did they give me the $500. Why did they even join." We go through all this emotion, we all go through it.
Then we get to a point where we're consciously competent. We can do this business but we have to think about it. We have to think about what we're supposed to do next. "OK now I need to follow up. What do I say when a follow-up? Here's my little script."
After we do it a few times, "where's the beef, where's the, where's the beef, where's the beef?"
Then we get to a point where we unconsciously competent.
We can do this business in our sleep. We can go through the process, this business is so boring and monotonous. It's just the same thing over over over over and over again. It's the same thing.
Yes, you invite them to the opportunity briefing.
Guess what? They aren't showing up.
They didn't show up. Thirty years ago they didn't show up and thirty years from now they won't show up.
Get better at what you're doing.
Just wimpy wimpy people, let's get better.
Come on guys, if you're lousy, you're lousy. You're supposed to be lousy in the beginning. But you know that's not a problem unless you stay lousy and some people think, well I'm gonna stay lousy.
They wake up, they're consciously incompetent, then they wake up and they think, "Something's gotta be wrong with me, It's got to be that." Or they think, "Dave didn't do the meeting last time like he did it before and I had guests here this week and they didn't do it. like they did. If they had done it like they did last week then they would have joined." It is just like, come on. Grow up guys, if it's going to get better, you have to get better.
So you will get to a point if you persist until your unconsciously competent. You can just do this over and over and over and over and you get the emotions out of it and you just do it.
You just do it.
And they're gonna call you, they go through the presentation and they see it and they have a couple questions. so you think, "OK, how can I help. Any more questions I can answer for you before we get you started as an affiliate."
Most people never asked someone to join. It's like once they go the website, they see it, they contact you, and you say "have any questions." "Do you have any more questions we need to answer for you before we get you started as an affiliate."
If it's a friend or family or co-worker, I call them and I'm going to say, "what questions do I need to answer for you before we get you an affiliate?" Or I'm going to say, "are you open for more information. Are you open for more information."
If I call my brother the conversation might go something like this, "did you go to my website?"
--- "yeah"
"OK, are you open for more information."
"Did you have the opportunity to look at my website?"
--- "Yes"
"Are you open for more information?"
--- "well, yeah, I'd kinda like to find out a little bit more about it."
"What are you doing Tuesday night?"
--- "nothing"
"I'll call you at about 8:55 I'll 3-way you into the corporate call and you can listen to some other people and get their input on what's going on." Three way them in and at the end of the three-way "what questions do I need to answer for you before I get you started as an affiliate?"
Guys it's just, it's just, it's just a process. It's just doing over and over and over and over and over and it gets boring after awhile. It just gets flat boring. You're unconsciously competent.
A wise person learns from their own mistakes. A really wise person learns from the mistakes of others.
Now, you are an independent contractor. You can do this business however you want to do it. It doesn't really matter to me. You can build on your personality which will never be duplicated.
What we're going to talk about, these three concepts, the first concept was pendulum, do you all have that? The second concept, what was it? How we learn through repetition and emotion and the third concept was become unconsciously, competent. Once you understand these then you are ready to get started on the training program.