*Your Name:
*Your Email:
Below, enter the name and email address for each of your upline leadership that you will share your REASONS with.(sponsor required)
*Name of Your Sponsor:
*Email of Your Sponsor:
Name of Upline Leadership:
Email of Upline Leadership:
Name of Upline Leadership:
Email of Upline Leadership:
"Top 3" Reasons:
Top Reason #1:
Top Reason #2:
Top Reason # 3:
My 20 Reasons:
Reason #1:
Reason #2:
Reason #3:
Reason #4:
Reason #5:
Reason #6:
Reason #7:
Reason #8:
Reason #9:
Reason #10:
Reason #11:
Reason #12:
Reason #13:
Reason #14:
Reason #15:
Reason #16:
Reason #17:
Reason #18:
Reason #19:
Reason #20:
I will make a 90 day commitment to my MPB Today business to work my way through the training curve because I know this business can provide me and my family the benefits listed above! Signed,
*Complete this form then print it and send to your upline.